ExpressJs, A Friend of NodeJs

8th June, 2021 blog post 1 image

I remember when I first came to know about Express Js, it was January 2021. I had taken a udemy course for full stack web development. Basically, it is a node framework, just like we use Jquery on top of vanilla JS for short and easy code writing. Now Node. js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast and scalable network applications in simple words more like low level programming, it interacts with machine more. Express reduces the node's repetitive code which we have to write in order to write apps.

Did you know Express.js only requires javascript? It becomes easier for programmers and developers to build web applications and API without any effort. Since most of the code in prewritten in this framework, you just need to know how to use it.You can build a single page, multi-page, or hybrid web applications using Express.js.

However, for you using this you must know HTML,CSS,JavaScript,NodeJs,MongoDB, then it would be easier to relate. For more details you can visite their oficial site -> Express Js.

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