Mini Compoenent Lib
Feb 2022

Mocked few components from CSS libraries.

September 2021

Collections of 4 mini React apps! Lucky Birthday, Palindrome Birthday, Triangles Quiz and know your stocks profit/loss!

Music Recommendation App!
September 2021

React app where you can filter songs based on genres.

Resturant App!
June 2021

A Simple React JS application which filters items based on categories.

Cash Registry!
October 2021

This app returns the minimum number of coins needed for a bill amount and cash amount.

Banana Talk!
October 2021

A vanilla js app - converts english to minion language!

Yoda Speaks!
September 2021

Convert from English to what a Yoda would speak.

Handy Dictionary!
May 2021

Handy Dictionary App supporting 4 languages providing examples too! Do check out!

Are You an Anime Fan?
March 2021

A CLI app built with nodeJS. Tests your knowledge on Naruto and Demon Slayer! Let's find out what's your full Score, and guess what, Naruto has Level-2! You can share with your friends and find out who is the biggest fan!